Michelangelo's David

The Florence Academy, where Michelangelo’s supreme masterpiece, the statue of David, is displayed in the specially designed Tribune... together with the Palestrina Pietà and his dramatic figures imprisoned in their blocks of marble known as the Prisoners.. The gallery also exhibits an important collection of famous Florentine painters from the Gothic to the Renaissance schools including masterpieces by Lorenzo Monaco, Botticelli, Filippino Lippi, Perugino, Pontormo and Andrea del Sarto. The Museum of San Marco contains Fra Angelico’s paintings and frescoes, altarpieces and angels on show in the monastery where the inspired and devout monk lived and worked in the 15th century. His celebrated fresco of the Annunciation greets visitors to the monks cells which he also frescoed. In the Hospice of the Pilgrims is a rich collection of his paintings including his masterpieces the Deposition and the Virgin of the Flax-growers.

Running time approx. 45 minutes

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