
The medieval walled city is crowned by its magnificent cathedral entirely covered in white and colored marble... gaze inside on the wealth of sculptural masterpieces by Michelangelo, Pisano and Donatello, Pinturicchio's famous frescos and the fine inlaid marble floor...explore piazza del Campo with its fan-shaped, red brick paving, dominated by the centuries old Town Hall with its soaring Mangia Tower and the surrounding maze of cobbled streets…here you'll find the Pinacoteca gallery housing works by masters of the distinctive Sienese school such as Lorenzetti, Duccio and Simone Martini…Visit St. Catherine's house and the church of St. Dominic where her relics are preserved…St. Bernardino's oratory and the places where he preached…And as a finale the spectacular, emotion-charged pageant of the Palio, the unique bareback horserace run in the Campo. These highlights and much more

Running time approx. 70 minutes

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